Mental Heath Matters

Mental Heath Matters

Evidence shows that one in four of us will experience mental ill health at some point in our lives, which means that every organisation is likely to feel the effects sooner or later. Expertly developed and led training around mental health and wellbeing can play a crucial role in building a strong and sustainable approach.

Healthy people are happier, more engaged and more productive.

We spend over half of our lives at work and it makes sense that the places we work in and the people who work in them are as healthy as they can be.

The business case for Mental Health Awareness and Mental Health First Aid Training

Work is good for health and health is good for business.

We all have mental health in the same way that we all have physical health. Mental health issues are common:

In 2020/21, stress, depression or anxiety were responsible for 50% of all cases of work-related ill health and the cost has gone up by 25% since 2019 to £56 billion. BUT, for every £1 spent on mental health interventions (including training), employers will get back around £5.30 in reduced absence, presenteeism and turnover.
(Deloitte – Mental Health & Employers: The case for investment – pandemic and beyond)

Resent research by Mind found that 60% of adults and 68% of young people said their mental health has become worse during lockdown and due to increased stressors related to coronavirus.

But many of us know little about mental health compared to our physical health. Stigma and lack of awareness can stop people from talking about their mental health, delaying them from getting the support needed for recovery.

This silence extends to the workplace. People often avoid disclosing a mental health issue to their employer for fear of being demoted, losing their job, or judged as less capable and missing out on opportunities. These concerns are justified if a Bupa poll is reflective of organisational attitudes to mental ill health: 94% of business leaders admitted to prejudice against people with mental health issues in their organisation.

The costs of ignoring mental health

Stress, anxiety and depression are the biggest cause of sickness absence in our society, causing 18 million days of absence in the UK in 2020-21.

(Office for National Statistics, 2021: Sickness absence in the labour market: 2021).

According to the Deloitte Review, mental ill health costs UK employers £6.1bn in absence, between £24.8 and £27.6bn in presenteeism (lost productivity, staff morale, health & safety issues, errors and quality of work) and £22.4bn in turnover – a massive increase from £8.6 billion and creating a national recruitment crisis.

Triggers and Signs to Look Out For


Recognising a mental health need arising is the first step in getting the support needed to recover. One of the first signs of mental ill health may be changes in the person’s behaviour. It may seem harder to spot signs in remote workers but they are essentially the same:

Personal life


Relationship breakdown

Having children

Health scares or physical illness

Work life


Poor line management




Recognising a mental health need arising is the first step in getting the support needed to recover. One of the first signs of mental ill health may be changes in the person’s behaviour. It may seem harder to spot signs in remote workers but they are essentially the same:

Physical signs

Frequent illness

Being run down and tired

Sleeping difficulties or excessive drowsiness

Lack of care over appearance

Emotional and behavioural

Irritability and aggression

Tearfulness or low mood

Excessive alcohol or stimulants

Decreased cognitive functioning – memory, concentration and perspective

Work Related Signs

Making more mistakes

Decrease in productivity and reliability

Poor punctuality or working excess hours

Relationship breakdown and increase in complaints

Sickness absence

Change in online behaviour – turning camera off during meetings

Poor organisation

Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) Training Courses for Business and the Community

The Mainly Mental Health Company is here to support you to manage well-being proactively and minimise the impact of mental ill health on work and life by providing robust training.

See our Mental Health First aid training for business choices here

Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) Training Courses for Schools, Further Education and Higher Education

The Mainly Mental Health Company is passionate about reducing the impact of mental ill-health on young people and training staff to provide appropriate levels of support.

Read about our Mental Health First Aid Training for schools, further education and higher education here

Bespoke Training

Mainly Mental Health is proud of our flexible approach and will tailor training to suit your need.

Find out more here

Training you can trust

Get in touch to work together creating lasting impact with our mental health training
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