Training for Managers

Training for Managers

Managers have a critical part to play in supporting staff to stay well at work. Providing training which equips managers with the skills they need to do this should be top of the learning and development agenda.

CPD Accredited Managing Mental Health Training has been developed from years of HR and L&D experience. Feedback from associated staff and managers tells us that the best training for managers is short and sweet. Long enough to be of lasting impact and inclusive of tools which can be used and shared.

Managing Mental Health is delivered over a 3-hour session with around 1 hour of pre-course learning OR a 4-hour session with no pre-course learning expectation.  The course builds skills in your managers to feel confident to have conversations about mental health and wellbeing as part of their everyday duties.

Learners will receive a digital Line Manager’s Resource and workbook.

Course Overview:

Learning takes place through a mix of presentation, group discussions, film clips and activities. The session covers:

  • Prevention: the definition of mental health and the continuum of mental health; stress management and identifying early warning signs; identifying and addressing stigma; the importance of knowing your team.
  • Intervention: Preparing for conversations and introducing an effective tool for havingsuccessful conversations and managing mental health.
  • Working with scenarios: Putting theory into practice.
  • Recovery : Managing absence and returning to work.
  • Commitment to change: Action Planning.

The sessions can be tailored slightly to specific industries and can include company specific information and support options.

Following the course Managers will have increased confidence in:

  • Spotting signs of poor mental health
  • Responding appropriately to distress
  • Having supportive and practical conversations about mental health
  • Signposting effectively
  • Addressing and reducing stigma in their team
  • Exemplifying self-care by using evidence based models

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Training you can trust

Get in touch to work together creating lasting impact with our mental health training
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